Columbus, OH http://www.gender.org/cc Vol. 11, No. 1 - January 1999 |
Current Officers
President - Stephanie
Vice President - Carey
Treasurer - Dianna
Secretary - Jannie
Newsletter Editor - Kelly & Jannie
Meeting Coordinator - Latoya
Screening Officer - Dea
The Crystal Chronicle is the official newsletter of the Crystal Club. The Chronicle is published and mailed a week prior to the regularly scheduled meeting.
Complementary copies of the Chronicle may be obtained by contacting a club officer or any club member.
News items for the Chronicle should be mailed to Kelly Davidson before the end of each month. Her E-mail address is:
Please specify in the subject field that this is an article for the newsletter.
Logos from the Past
By Kelly Davidson
This logo first came out on the January 1994 newsletter and was used up to the August 1995 issue. Perhaps one of the most flashiest logos to date, it was created by out newsletter editor at the time, Karen, Adrienne’s significan other. Thank you, Karen!
From the President
The Good, the Bad and it’s Getting Ugly!
I hope everyone had a joyous and happy holiday season. On the personal side my Christmas was wonderful.
For the first time in my life I really enjoyed decorating the tree, buying gifts and sending out cards. I even bought the dog a present and wrapped it (am I nuts or what). I actually had everything finished a week before Christmas. It's amazing what you can do when you feel right about your life.
The best part, however, was the fact that I got to see all five of my grandchildren. My daughter invited me up Christmas morning so I drove to Crestline and arrived around 7:30am, just in time to see them open the presents from Santa. I still have to "dress- down" and become as "generic" as possible around them, but that is not much different than I usually look sans make-up and earrings.
I was able to see my other two grandkids Christmas Eve. I stopped over at my ex-daughter- in-law's after work to drop off the presents and she invited me in, so both of her children, 8 & 5, got to see Stephanie. It went very well.
The bad part of the holidays was the fact that I work at the airport, in the baggage office none-the less. It's been pretty rough. A lot of canceled flights due to the weather and other factors, so I've been putting in a lot of time just trying to keep my head above water.
Today, it turned ugly. We finally had flights arriving after two days of cancellations and there are bags without people and people without bags everywhere. Some of these travelers have been stranded for days in Detroit and are less than sociable by the time they get to me.
It has been "Stephanie’s" first real test under such stressful conditions, where tempers can flare and emotions can overflow, including those within myself. But I survived and made it through an